Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Henry D'Esterre Darby

Henry D'Esterre Darby

Henry D'Esterre Darby was the son of Jonathan Darby IV Esq., of Leap Castle, in King's County, Ireland. He was born in the year 1750 and died in the year 1823 at the age of 73. Being the second oldest in his family and having an uncle, Vice-Admiral George Darby, in the royal navy he was inspired, and led, to join the Royal Navy. Skipping forward in time, Henry Darby was promoted to Captain in 1783 and served under Nelson in the famous Battle of the Nile, while commanding the HMS Bellerophon in 1798, during this battle Darby was wounded, he also lost 4 Officers, 32 Seamen, and 13 Marines. Aside form the dead Darby received 5 Officers, 126 Seamen, and 17 Marines all wounded, in total his casualties added up to 197 men. He was then promoted to Rear Admiral of Blue in 1804. In 1805 , only a year later of being promoted from captain to Rear Admiral of the Blue, he was moved to Rear Admiral of the White. During the year of 1810 he was promoted to Vice Admiral of the Blue, and was later moved to being the Vice Admiral of the White in 1811.